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Antivirus protection
Is your computer Infected?
Without the proper anti-virus and anti-spyware
software, the chances are your computer is already infected.
Computer Viruses are spread like the common cold, from computer to
computer, through copied CD's or DVD's, floppy disks, or more
commonly via the internet. If you're infected you may not be aware
at first, and you could be transmitting the virus to all your
friends through emails, CD's and DVD's.
Some viruses can spread very quickly out over your system or even
the whole network. They can modify system files, or delete your
data. If your computer is infected you will most likely notice some
instability in its operation, slowness or some other kind of
unpredicted behavior.
Intek can sweep your home computer or business network of computers for viruses and spyware
eliminating the threat and installing software to prevent further
attacks. For more information contact us at (314) 732-1454 or via To learn more about spyware or computer viruses, continue
reading below.
What is Spyware?
What would you say, if I told you somebody could
read your e-mail, or diary entries on you computer without you
knowing? How about if I told you they could steal photos of you or
members of your family that are stored on your computer? Feeling
worried? Worse still, what if I said they could read your internet
banking password as you typed it?
"Spyware" is software or hardware installed onto
your computer without your knowledge. It secretly gathers
information about your computer which is retrieved by the
perpetrator when you next go online to the internet. Unlike a virus
which attacks your software programs, with spyware the user is
totally unaware what is happening.
is a relatively new kind of threat that common anti-virus
applications may not yet cover. This surveillance can send
information back to the party that secretly installed the software
on your computer. It can send details on all kinds of activity
ranging from the keys you press on the keyboard, (such as your
Internet banking password), snapshots & photos, email entries, (even
external accounts like hotmail and yahoo mail), web chat logs, and
just about everything else. Anti-spy tools protect your privacy by
detecting PC monitoring tools and mechanisms that may track your
What is a virus?
We've all heard about people getting viruses on
their computer, and you may have been affected yourself at one
stage. Some questions asked of computer viruses are, how are they
spread, who can spread them, what are the symptoms, and more
importantly, how do I protect my computer from infection?
A computer virus is a computer program, or
segment of computer code, that has been created by someone to
perform some malicious task on a computer when the instructions it
contains are activated.
Some viruses will activate as soon as the infected file is opened,
while others will lie dormant in your computer until activated by a
trigger, such as a specific date, or the user performing a specific
action like reading one of their emails.
Viruses can be spread in a variety of ways:
- via email attachments
- hidden inside files on floppy disks, copied CDs or DVDs
- downloaded from infected files on websites on the Internet,
even when simply browsing
It should be noted, that as you view a website,
your computer is downloading the text, and images as well as code
used to display each web page. So, you're not just viewing, you are
downloading data that if tampered with may contain malicious code
containing viruses.
The best protection against computer viruses is
to use anti-virus software that should be installed on your office
and home computers, including laptops and notebooks. The anti-virus
software should be updated regularly. Most anti-virus software
includes free updates for licensed users that are available as
automatic updates from the vendor website. As new and powerful
viruses are created almost daily, regular updating of your
anti-virus software is essential to ensure your systems are
protected from possible damage or infection. |