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 Virtual On-Site Support via Web-Based Screen Sharing
If you are at home, the office or on the road, and you need urgent
help with a PC application, operating system, peripheral or other computer
related problem. We can provide you with online technical support via internet.
We can solve a wide variety of computer related problems from small glitches
to a crashed networks. With online remote support you don't have to
allocate time for an appointment with a computer technician, you can also get
professional support for your computer even if you are interstate or overseas.
All you have to do is get you computer connected to the internet and give us a
call then click on the "I can Help!" logo at the top.
Here are just a few of the services that we can provide through remote
- Locate and exterminate running viruses and spy ware*
- Install & configure new software on your computer
- Assist with hardware installation
- Assist with software installations
- Assist with your printer or other peripheral devices
- Answer your computer related questions with live demonstration on your
- Update your antivirus software
- And much more!
Unlike many other remote support companies, you will not have to pay any kind
of connection fee. Only time spent in remote support session is payable.
Remote support rate: or call 314-596-8750 news:
if remote support can't fix-it there is: NO CHARGE; NO
CONTRACT; NO Hourly rate; Just ONE Fixed Price for Help.
On-line Click Here
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