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Local networks enable companies to automate their day-to-day
operations and improve overall performance of staff. Importance of business
tasks requires very reliable network system. Any fault in LAN can paralyze your
business for hours.Duties of network administrator require a lot of skills
and experience, which in order requires an appropriate level of salary. This is
why most of small to medium size businesses can not afford to have permanent IT
support person. The advantage of IT-outsourcing is that your company will be
assigned one computer engineer, who will really know your system. However, when
required we will send you a group of highly professional computer engineers who
can solve any IT problem you may have.
Our company offers you a range of service plans to support your computers and
LAN on a monthly basis to best suite the needs of your business.
When examining your system to design service plan for you we will look at:
1. Ways to improve overall performance of you computer systems, network
2. Checks for hardware reliability, UpGrade options
3. Necessary software updates
4. Data organization/structure
5. Backup solutions for critical data
6. User rights, access policies
To get more detailed information about ongoing IT support and service plans
available, please contact us on the phone or via email.
We value your time and money and we will do everything possible in order to
minimize any disruption to your business. Get the power of Email Marketing and Online Survey for FREE!
Experience the award-winning service, and support more than 200,000
customers know and trust from us.
Take a FREE 60-Day Trial - Managed Maintenance Services:
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