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LAN Deployment
Any growing business requires a well designed,
scalable and reliable computer network with the ability to integrate
all of the computer/office equipment in the most productive way. One
of the most important aspects of the above mentioned requirements is
the network infrastructure itself. It might be a mixture of cabling,
wi-fi access points, network switches and routers etc.
Intek can provide your business with the highly
qualified specialists in the areas of:
Network data cabling (Licensed cabling Technicians)
Microsoft based server configuration
based server configuration
Switch, Router and Firewall Installation
Security Policies Design and Implementation
Remote access systems based on Microsoft RDP, Citrix
There are a few stages in the project development:
- Inspection
At the inspection stage, we will
send you a qualified network engineer who will analyze the requirements,
investigate existing cabling systems and network infrastructure and determine
the ways to install new cables and other networking equipment. This is the time
when any questions/requirements are discussed with the client;
- Network design
Smallest details are taken into
consideration, any remaining questions are discussed with the client and based
on the gathered data detailed technical proposal is developed. It will include
the full list of required equipment and its prices, cabling plan, expected date
of project completion and the total project price. Client will be given a copy
of the technical proposal;
- Equipment supply and installation work
Once the contract is signed, the deployment commences. We will deliver
all the required equipment and start deployment:
- Preparation of building elements
- Installation of cabling channels
- Cable deployment
- Network/phone points installation
- PC Racks & Network Cabinets Mounting
- Network equipment installation/configuration
- Software configuration
- Testing
During the deployment works, we will perform the
series of tests that would eliminate any possibility of equipment failure.
Testing is performed by using specialized testing tools as well as the computer
equipment to expose any possible mistakes in cable deployment/layout;
- Warranty
All equipment and labor is
covered by one year limited warranty. We are using only genuine qualify cables
and parts;
If you are interested or have any other questions, you are
welcome to contacts us via email or phone to arrange date and time for a free
onsite consultation with our experienced network engineer.