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 Server configuration
To get maximum benefits from the modern fast
developing information technology solutions, you have to keep up to
date with all the advances and changes in the world of IT. We know
how hard it can be and this is why we offer you the expertise of our
network designers and engineers to assist you with choice of
equipment/software available.
Fault-tolerant data storage solutions
Reliable and safe internet access
Data access security policies
Convenient remote access to the information resources
located within your local network
Fast and easy access to the information for all
authorized members of company staff
All of the above mentioned requirements require some kind
of dedicated servers to be installed.
Intek can offer you solutions from well known
brands like Microsoft, Cisco, 3Com, Nortel and Lucent. We can install not just
the required server software, but design effective security policies, data
backup procedures, recommend software packages to improve you business data
handling, interconnect geographically distributed offices of your business into
one Virtual Private Network.
Typical solutions include:
Server OS from Microsoft (Windows 2000-2003 Server
Server OS from Linux/Unix
Internet Servers (IIS or Apache)
Mail Servers (SendMail, Exchange)
File Servers
VPN, Remote Access solutions
Active Directory
Roaming user profiles
And more…
If you are interested or have any other questions, you are
welcome to contacts us via email or phone to arrange date and time for a free
onsite consultation with our experienced network engineer.
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