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Internet connection /
If you having difficulties connecting your dialup or broadband
service, we can help:
1. We can test your phone line for signal strength (in case if you
are connecting to Dialup or broadband ADSL internet)
2. Properly setup your software and modem settings (this
includes configuring any email accounts and internet sharing)
3. Test your connection speed
4. Setup internet sharing/small network, so you can share your
internet connection to as many computers as you want
5. We can also provide you with wireless router/firewall to
allow your portable computers be used anywhere within 50 meters
from connection point. If you are interested in
interconnecting your home place with computers in your office we can
do it. Please see Network section of our
web site.
Examples of types of things we can also help you with include:
Setting up email accounts which allow you to access your email from
anywhere - home or office, on the road or overseas; registering
domain names, organizing website hosting, broadband and dialup
internet access, signatures, encrypted email and more.We
understand the importance of reliable internet connection for your
business. If you internet provider for some reason can not fix your
internet line, we have a number of all-purpose internet accounts
that we "lend" to customers in the event of disaster.