PC Safety
Toolbox--Five Steps to Protecting Your System
The ins and outs of backing up, defragging, defending against intruders, and
creating an emergency boot disk.
Get the Best
View Possible From Your PC's Monitor
Calibrate your display to get the highest-quality picture. Plus: Limit access to
the Net on your PC.
Complete PC Preventive Maintenance Guide
Help your computer live longer, perform better, and avoid debilitating crashes.
Why All the
Problems Shutting Down My PC?
Fix faulty Windows shutdowns; undo a dual-boot setup; and share Outlook data
across a network.
PC Problems?
Fix 'Em Yourself
Taming tech glitches is easy--once you know what to do. Our troubleshooting
guide shows how to solve them like a pro.
Nine Quick
Tips for Hassle-Free Printing
Simple ways to get more out of your ink jet printer--for less.
Why Is My
Speedy PC S-l-o-w-i-n-g D-o-w-n?
Follow these tips to restore performance. Plus: Handle backups too
big for CDs, read attachments in Outlook Express 6, dispose of old CDs safely,
and more.
Quiet Your PC:
Easy Ways to Cut Computer Noise
Keep your PC Quiet
Wireless Networking Superguide
These tips and info tell you what you need to know to set up your wireless
Your PC for Faster Start-Up Times
Follow these five steps to slash your system's boot-up time.
Take a
Crash Course in Emergency PC Recovery
Revive your PC after a crash; protect your data from drive failure with a RAID
Keep the Juice
Flowing Smoothly to Your PC
Determine your system's power needs; learn which discs work best with your
CD-ROM drive.
Mapping a Network Drive