What is HTML?

HTML: part 1

HTML: part 2

HTML: part 3

Tables Introduction



Beginning HTML 2

Now that you know how a basic HTML page is coded, we can begin with the good stuff - how to adjust the font, add images to your page, and add links!

The basic text formatting tags are: headings <h1> to <h6>, paragraphs <p>, and line breaks <br>. Also, an important tag is the commenting tag. To add comments in code, simple enclose your comments like so: <!-- COMMENTS HERE -->

The heading tags are:

<h1>Heading tag</h1>

<h2>Heading tag</h2>


<h3>Heading tag</h3>


<h4>Heading tag</h4>


<h5>Heading tag</h5>


<h6>Heading tag</h6>

To automatically have the browser format paragraphs, you can use the <p> tag. The browser will automatically add a blank line before and after your text: Example: <p>Hi</p><p>Hi</p> results in:



Line Breaks
Line Breaks are useful for forcing new lines. Browsers do not read ordinary newlines (enters) in text. For example if you type the following in an html file:


The following will be displayed by the browser:

My HTML Code

To force the browser to display it with the breaks, simply add <br> anywhere you want to have a new line. Note this is one of the few HTML tags that doesn't require you to "close" the tag (<br> - This tag does not exist, and it makes sense if you think about it.)

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