Methodology for Security


INTEK's security services rely on time-proven methodologies used at hundreds of INTEK customer sites around the world. While consulting services and audits depend on the varying expertise and interpretations of the consultant, INTEK's programs are driven by a common set of standards, practices and technologies. This repeatable methodology ensures that an effective security posture has been consistently implemented, regardless of the location.

At the heart of INTEK's methodology is a focus on maximizing the Return on Your Security Investment. No organization has unlimited resources to apply to security, and an enterprise security program must focus on delivering maximum risk reduction at minimum cost-including both financial costs as well costs in the form of restrictions on the business.

In order to maximize your return, INTEK uses a proprietary, zero administration, vulnerability scanning appliance for prioritizing and organizing security efforts. INTEK's vulnerability scanning provides daily, weekly and monthly trend reports, identifying evolving threats and vulnerabilities. These risks are identified to help reduce false positives and prioritizes the meaningful issues over the merely theoretical risks. Finally, INTEK has developed a set of essential security practices to address those risks. These Practices become an organization's customized security roadmap, integrating technical controls, physical security measures and policies. INTEK's Practices are a proven program for assuring information security, and have protected hundreds of organizations from costly and embarrassing security breaches.

Return on Your Security Investment. The point of maximum return on security investment is where the total cost of security is lowest-including both the cost of security events and the cost of the security controls designed to prevent them.

Risk Research. INTEK's process begins with continuous research into security risks. The purpose of this research is to identify those issues that cause the vast majority of security breaches around the world.

Risk Equation. Here's a simple equation for quantifying your organization's security risk : Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Cost.

Practices. On the basis of 30 years of security industry practice and experience, INTEK created a set of practices, polices and controls that provide effective protection against the most relevant risks. We call these control recommendations BLISS™ (Base Line Information Security Services).