Information Type: Company-Wide Sample Format INTEK-MC - Strawman Risk Analysis 1. Introduction This checklist is to be used in lieu of other methods for risk analysis of networked, or multi-user, computer systems that will process sensitive information. Most questions are structured to elicit a 'yes' answer; a 'no' response usually indicates an inadequate or questionable level of security. 'NO' responses in the final risk analysis document do not necessarily mean your system cannot or will not be approved. However, if any 'NO' response cannot be eliminated, please do the following: a. Call your Assurance Protection Office (APO) discuss the importance or security impact of a specific 'NO' answer. b. Legibly annotate the checklist immediately below each question explaining why you believe that the 'NO' answer will not seriously affect the security posture of the system. If additional space is required please provide this information on a separate piece of paper. Please be sure to reference the question you are explaining. Items preceded by "(C2)" indicates an item that must be true if the system is to achieve C2 Certification. C2 is mandated by DOD DIR 5200.28 for all MULTI-USER COMPUTER SYSTEMS.
1. Are the Computer System Manager (CSM), Computer 2. Have a Computer System Security Officer (CSSO) and 3. Are the CSSO and NSO trained and familiar with the security 4. Do the security procedures prepared by the CSM and 5. Do the communications-computer system security 6. Has the CSM assessed the potential impact of the 7. As a result of this assessment, has a contingency plan 8. Are the security mechanisms of the system/network 9. Is the Network Architecture properly documented? Y N NA 10. Is the Network Architecture document reviewed periodically Y N NA and updated to reflect changing conditions?
1. What methods are employed to restrict entry to the a. Combination dial lock? Y N NA b. Cipher or electromechanical locks? Y N NA c. Access point guard? Y N NA d. Fence? Y N NA e. Alarm System? Y N NA f. Electronic badge system? Y N NA g. Photo badge system? Y N NA h. Access list? Y N NA i. Key locks? Y N NA (1) Has a key control system been established? Y N NA (2) Is issue of keys kept to a minimum and on (3) Is a key sign out log maintained? Y N NA 2. Are restricted and controlled area boundaries posted with Y N NA 3. Is the network/computer facility manned 24 hours a day, 4. Is the network/computer facility manned by at least two 5. How is access to remote terminals and servers a. Combination dial locks? Y N NA b. Dead-bolt locks? Y N NA c. Locking terminals? Y N NA d. Cipher or electromechanical door locks? Y N NA e. Alarm System? Y N NA f. Access point guard? Y N NA g. Electronic badge system? Y N NA h. Access list? Y N NA i. Passwords? Y N NA j. Other Y N NA 6. Is the equipment arranged to prevent unauthorized 7. Obtain and compare lists of all people who have 8. Are network access control lists monitored and updated 9. Review the last security penetration and fire drill 10. Is the structural security of the facility or office 11. Are magnetic storage media and libraries protected? Y N NA 12. Are local area network communications lines and 13. Are the local area network communications lines 14. Is access to the system's patch panel controlled? Y N NA
1. Will all personnel with unrestricted access into the 2. Will visitors be monitored while in the immediate 3. Do all personnel having unescorted access to the system/ 4. When employees or functional users are relieved of duty a. Are their special authorizations terminated? Y N NA b. Are they immediately denied access to system/network c. Are passwords, locks, combinations, etc., changed 5. Are unknown personnel challenged for entry into the
1. Is there a designated central point for receiving and 2. Are couriers briefed on their responsibilities for 3. Are couriers' identification and need to know verified 4. Has someone been designated an accountable custodian for 5. Are there procedures for accounting for any 6. Are tapes and disks kept in their containers until 7. Are magnetic media tested periodically for read-write 8. Are output products containing sensitive information 9. Is waste-products disposal consistent with its 10. Do your policies make the customer responsible for: a. Verifying that no extraneous data are included in b. Reporting all security discrepancies to the CSSO, 11. Are sensitive/critical tapes and disks degaussed or 12. Are tapes and disks appropriately labeled? Y N NA 13. Does the CSSO or authorized individual approve and 14. When sensitive unclassified information is processed, 15. Are all sensitive products and waste properly disposed
1. Has the sensitivity of aggregated data been considered 2. Does security protection correspond to the sensitivity 3. Are network configuration changes reviewed by the 4. Are all access attempts recorded, including dial-ins? Y N NA 5. Are users locked out after three invalid attempts 6. Does the NSO authorize reinstatement after a user 7. Are all network interconnections with other networks or 8. Are all interconnected networks operating at the same a. If not, are proper security filters, guards, gateways 9. Does network support and provide necessary encryption 10. Are Dial-in accesses controlled as follows: a. Have they been approved on an individual basis? Y N NA b. Are dial-ins centrally controlled? Y N NA c. Are controls adequate for the number of dial-ins allowed? Y N NA d. Is the number of dial-ins strictly controlled and
1. Are modifications and updates to the operating system formally 2. Are modifications to software/control info coordinated/ 3. Is the Network Operating System and components properly 4. Do you control access to data files: a. At the file level based on need to know? Y N NA b. By logical partitions within a file c. By specific permission (i.e. read only, write only, 5. If the multi-user system processes sensitive 6. Do authorized users specify and control sharing 7. Does the system provide controls to limit 8. Is the security mechanism capable of excluding or 9. Does the system provide a domain for its own 10. (C2) Are the resources controlled by the system isolated 11. Do you use automated audit trails to monitor: a. (C2) Unauthorized attempts to log onto the system? Y N NA b. (C2) Unauthorized attempts to access protected files c. Password changes or locking of user ID due to d. (C2) Terminal ID, user ID, time and date, records e. (C2) Deletion of objects (files and programs), f. Actions taken by computer operators, system g. (C2) Is the NSM able to selectively audit the h. Dial-in attempts? Y N NA 12. Is the number of people who have access to audit trail 13. (C2) Are audit trail routines ever turned off? 14. (C2) Are audit files protected to ensure only 15. Are on-line diagnostics used? Y N NA Are they tracked in the audit trail records? Y N NA 16. Are audit trails reviewed by the CSSO/NSO daily to 17. (C2) Are initial passwords generated and distributed from a 18. (C2) Are passwords in compliance with INTEK-SSI 5013, Y N NA Identification and Authentication? a. Are passwords at least eight characters in length? Y N NA b. Is the individual's personal password and user ID c. Are passwords changed immediately upon discovery of a d. Are automated passwords changed at least e. Does the system lock out a user ID, terminal, or f. Are users able to request a password change on-line? Y N NA 19. Does the host system detect periods of inactivity and 20. Is an auto log-out time of thirty minutes being 21. Do the CSSO and NSO receive system configuration 22. (C2) Has the ST & E included a search for obvious 23. Is the first display a user sees a warning message indicating 24. Do Network Protocols that perform code or format 25. Does Network perform integrity checks to insure information 26. Does Network software provide non-repudiation, i.e.- 27. Is Network software able to counter actions by persons
1. Does the network have hardware architectural controls a. Memory access controls for those programs which do b. Parity and boundary checks and register comparisons? Y N NA c. Hardware and/or software features provided that can 2. Is the system adequately protected from power surges, a. Surge protectors Y N NA b. Uninterrupted power supply Y N NA c. Motor generator Y N NA d. Backup generator Y N NA 3. Is there backup power available for: a. Air Conditioning Y N NA b. Entry control mechanisms Y N NA c. Lighting Y N NA d. Alarm systems Y N NA 4. Does the computer room use an approved fire 5. Does this geographic area have a history of: a. Floods Y N NA b. Earthquakes Y N NA c. Hurricanes Y N NA d. Tornadoes Y N NA 6. Are fire resistant/non combustible materials used for: a. Buildings Y N NA b. Partitions, walls, doors Y N NA c. Furnishings Y N NA d. Flooring Y N NA 7. Are systems located below the water grade provided 8. Do overhead steam or water pipes exist? Y N NA 9. Does adequate drainage exist: a. Under raised floor? Y N NA b. On floor above? Y N NA c. For adjacent areas? Y N NA 10. If dial-in diagnostics and maintenance are used, were 11. If dial-in diagnostics are used , are they disconnected 12. Are Network Interface Units (NIU) trusted products? Y N NA 13. Is there hardware backup capability or facility to counter
1. Has the Computer System Manager (CSM) insured that 2. Do the procedures address each of the following areas: a. Responsibilities of CSSO, NM, NSO, system operators b. Access controls (i.e. use and protection of passwords, c. Physical security? Y N NA d. Reporting security incidents? Y N NA e. Reporting technical vulnerabilities? Y N NA f. Maintaining system sand configuration control? Y N NA g. Disposal of computer products and media? Y N NA h. Prohibiting smoking, eating, or drinking in the vicinity of the system and/or terminals? Y N NA i. Virus checking software on PCs? Y N NA j. Authorized software. Is this verified at least annually? Y N NA 3. Have these procedures been thoroughly tested to ensure 4. Have all operators and users read and certified that 5. Are new security policies/procedures briefed immediately 6. Does Network Security Policy define authorized connections 7. Are Security Procedures enforced? Y N NA
1. (C2) Does each Workstation/PC on the LAN have a operating 2. (C2) Are network procedures established to periodically 3. (C2) Has a ST&E, in conjunction with this risk analysis 4. (C2) Have the users been provided with and trained in use 5. (C2) Has a Security Features Users Guide been developed
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File Owner: Jim Tracy