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Methodology: How Base Line Internet/Information Security Service (BLISS™
) VA works 

 Phase One: Discovery

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User initiates a scan while logged into the web securely using an SSL-enabled browser.

It first identifies all machines in your network that are visible from the Internet, such as web, mail or file servers, firewalls, routers, switches and desktop PC's.  then discovers the services that each machine offers, the type of operating system and the versions of each publicly accessible application.


 Phase Two: Exploration

16.gif (96089 bytes) Each service and application discovered in phase one is cross-referenced to an extensive database to generate a list of potential vulnerabilities. For example, if a machine is running Windows and offering web service, a list of Microsoft IIS vulnerability checks is enabled.

There is a total of over 1,700 vulnerability checks in the  database, and the number grows continually as new security holes are discovered. Our security experts monitor vendor security bulletins, security organization announcements and "black hat" hacking sites to keep the vulnerability database as current as possible, and your network as secure as it can be.


 Phase Three: Reporting

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 provides reports tailored to each role in your enterprise:

  • Executive summaries that offer a graphical synopsis of security status and trending at a glance.
  • IT manager's reports that provide a high-level technical overview and facilitate informed decision making to allocate resources to ensure the protection of critical information assets.
  • Network administrator's reports that contain detailed descriptions of vulnerabilities, step-by-step instructions on repairing them and extensive technical references to the appropriate security bulletins and articles.

All reports are available securely through an SSL-enabled browser in HTML for convenient viewing and may be downloaded in PDF format for distribution.

FREE Vulnerability Assessment Report Click Here

 is a service of AKABA, Inc.