.arc | Compressed archive.
.au | audio (sound) file
.bin | binary file
.btoa | Binary to ASCII.
.cpio | Archives created by UNIX CPIO tape archiving program.
.doc | document file (program specific)
.exe | PC executable file
.gif | Graphics Interchange Format file.
.gz or .z | Compressed archive file.
.Hqx or .hqx | Macintosh BinHex compression format.
.html or .htm | hyper text markup language (web document)
.jpg or .jpeg | Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format.
.lha or .lzh | DOS compressed archive.
.mov |
movie file (Quicktime) |
.mpg or mpeg | Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) format.
.pdf | Portable Document Format (adobe acrobat reader)
.pit | Compressed file created by Macintosh PACKIt3.1.3.
.ps or .PS | PostScript document.
.qt | Quick Time video format
.sea | A Macintosh self-extracting archive.
sh |
A Shell archive created by UNIX SHAR.
.sit | Compressed Macintosh file.
.tar | Compressed files.
.tif | Tagged Image Format File. TIFF files come in various versions.
.txt | Text file. Should be plain ASCII file.
.uu or .uue | A binary file in ASCII format.
.wav | PC sound file
.Z | A unix compressed file.
.zip | Compressed archive file.