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Font Tags

Font tags can be set for a character, sentence, or entire document. The default for different browsers varies (Netscape font size=3). In addition to changing the size, you can also change the font color. This is changing the font color for a character, sentence or paragraph. (Not to be confused with body text color, link text color, etc.)

          <font color=RRGGBB size=#> TEXT </font> 
                 where RRGGBB is a color number
                       # is a number (1-7) or +# or -# from current value
HTML CodeWhat is displayed
<font color=ff0000>RED</font> RED
<font color=red>RED</font> RED also
<font color=00ff00>GREEN</font> GREEN
<font color=0000ff>BLUE</font> BLUE
<font color=ff0000>R</font>
<font color=00ff00>G</font>
<font color=0000ff>B</font>
<font size=+3>W</font>ELCOME WELCOME
<font size=1>W<font size=+1>E
</font><font size=+2>L <font size=+3>C
<font size=+4>O <font size=+3>M
<font size=+2>E</font>
<font size=1> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=2> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=3> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=4> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=5> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=6> Welcome </font> Welcome
<font size=7> Welcome </font> Welcome

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last modified February 01, 2006 47532