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I recently began using an anti-spam
product that has given me back complete control of my email. I literally do not
get spam any more. Zero! I'm telling you about it because I think it could do as
much for you as it has done for me.
secret spam killer works on the basis that if someone wants to email you,
you have the right to know who they are and what they want. It accepts messages
from anyone in your address book, as well as anyone you send a message to. Other
senders receive an automatic reply asking them to verify their identity and
provide a reason for contacting you. Spammers do not respond to this request,
but real people do.
This has saved me hours of time. I don't waste time deleting spam, and I don't
have to worry about offensive junk popping up on my screen. It actually makes
email FUN again.
You can learn more at the company's website.

The regular price is $39.95. It has been worth far more
than that to me. However, they have a special program that lets you buy through
a current user and get a $5 discount. So if you would like to like to
learn more about it, please use this link:

I am incredibly happy with this product and hope you'll give it a try.
send me email