In an ideal world, risk could be completely eliminated.
Since this is not technologically or financially possible,
ongoing risk reduction becomes the goal. In other words,
in the absence of a silver bullet, it takes three key
processes to manage online risk:
- Identify security exposures and active threats, with
responses appropriate to the severity of the risk and
the potential for loss
- For larger organizations, implement scalable,
centralized security management across complex
infrastructure. For smaller organizations, utilize a
security services provider to provide the same level
of oversight and control
- Utilize a proactive source of security alerts,
advisories and other security information services to
counteract the dynamic nature of risk
These solutions can be an in-house solution, or part of
a managed solution from a trusted services provider. The
key to an effective protection solution remains the same,
from a single desktop to a global corporation - find a
trusted security partner who has the knowledge and
expertise to keep your systems ahead of the threats being
mounted against them.
Gramm Leach Bliley Act - GLBA
Compliance PDF
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - HIPAA